Monday, August 23, 2010

There's a time in life you'll get so tired, you want to wash your hands off everything.

My body isn't perfect. I don't walk with confidence. Some nights I cry myself to sleep. I tend to regret decisions I make. I'm stupid I'm brainless. I don't treasure those who love me. I've a confused mind all the time. There are days I get through with false smiles and fake laughs. I look so horrible. I constantly think I'm not good enough. I'm so imperfect.

I want someone I can go to. I want someone I can tell my secrets to. Someone who won't judge me for the mistakes I make. I want someone who understands. I want someone who hears, not just listens. I want someone who knows my quirks. I want someone who'll wipe my tears away. I want someone who needs me, not just wants me.

I want a boy who'd hold my hand in the mall. Someone who feel proud bringing me out with his friends. I want a boy who'll make fun of me just to hear me laugh. Someone who I could share lollipops with. Someone who'll play with my hair all the time. Someone who I could run in the rain with.

I want someone who makes me feel although I'm not perfect, I'm good enough.

I want someone who makes me happy all the time.

Do you understand? You do? Are you sure? How can you when I don't?

I'm trying to get my thoughts sorted out but it's making me more confused. I don't even know what I want. See, I told you running away from all these is the best solution afterall.

Just, be happy.

I'm not depressed, I'm just a confused teenager with a wild mind and crazy life. :)

So many things I wanna say to so many people, I just don't know how to.

I told you I was a mess. Maybe just not beautiful anymore.

I'm okay, this is just a rant.

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