Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy birthday Jesus

Merry Christmas everyone....... I just caught 11:11! This is a good sign. Christmas is my favorite season of the year, besides CNY!!!!!!!!!!

Just came back from a simple dinner at Paradise Inn with my family and took a couple of pix with my one and only ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Tomorrow marks the 7th year since we got her...!! 26th december's one of my favourite days of 365 days. She's sucha a cutie pie. She just dug into my sister's bag for a packet of kueh lapis hahahahahah forever so greeeedy

Chanced upon this on twitter "Treasure whoever's spending Christmas with you this year because it'll never be the same again"

Miss the times when I was younger we would spend an hour under the tree unwrapping presents........

I'm just glad I didn't spend Christmas sobbing over anything hehe but....... am hoping J would come home right now n stop fooling around in Vietnam becoz someone misses him oh so badly

Have a berry berry merry Xmas!

One of the rare days I actually look good bare faced hehehehehehehe

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Camp + thoughts

Will be having camp from 21st to 23rd! Am feeling pretty....... Idk about it. I'm quite sure I'm stoked becoz I've been waiting for this day since a year ago when I failed the appeal ),: All's good now that I'm in! Also feeling abit worried + scared that I have to break free from being shy hehehehe yes I'm quite shy one leh. Takes alot for me to be myself in front of strangers. But I can't let this get the better of me. It's going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me yet because I'm going to make it happen!!!!!!!!! #determined

J's going overseas in 2 days but it somewhat starts tomorrow becoz I'll be at camp and it's almost impossible to be texting because I'll be running all over everywhere? Which reminds me I won't be seeing him for a week. Can I die now? Seeing him almost everyday since his As ended, im getting used to it and am very comfortable with this feeling :):):):):):):):):) very very comfortable............ Been convincing him how amazing he is and normally he'll be like "IKR" and now he is being all shy and giggly and humble about it. So cute ^_*

Clueless how everything he does (eventually) makes my world go round and round and round and round.... Maybe it's love. Love is a stupid thing. You become very stupid.... I mean extremely stupid when you meet somebody you love? Hahahahahahaha.

How he'll control your emotions. Which makes you seem so psychotic. One moment you're jumping for joy and the next, .....crying like somebody died. Everything he does affects me and I always ask myself. HOW DID I GET MYSELF INTO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sometimes I wish I never gaf about these..... Never got so attached to somebody. But times like these, I feel it's all worth it because I met this boy and he has made me realize how lucky I am to even find somebody to love and be loved.

Love is stupid but amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup you get my drift....

Wow I'm so amazed at how much sense I'm making.... I do make sense right?!?!!???

Joel if you're reading this, know that I am the world's luckiest girl to have met you. Enjoy yourself in Vietnam and we'll meet again when you're back. Mwaaahhhhhx take good care b :****

My favorite screenshot hehehe no lah actually him calling me beats this but I don't have a picture of it so this will do. *call this to hear an angel's voice* my remedy to everything hahahhahahahahhahaa cheesy


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hello not a fan of KPOP but my cousin was laughing histerically watching some show online so I decided to kaypoh a bit and this guy is pretty good looking!

No comments about the girls because all Koreans are like goddesses (if there's even a plural for goddess)

Exams r over

Hello! There you go... the title speaks for itself. Exams are over after a miiiiilllllllliiiiiooooon millllllleniumzzzz ^_^ I'm a happy girl all over again. Was pretty stressed out since school started sigh hope the whinings + grubblings + RAGE goes away!

The last paper was a spoiler and it kinda ruined the after-exams mood. Somehow I don't feel THAT happy........ maybe becoz all these while..... I was already in the holiday mood hehehehehehehehehehe gudbye university )''': I'm still young and my future's still bright *_* so hakuna matata to myself! I'll do fine.....

Recently I've been getting really violent physically and mentally. I've been wanting to slap/kick/pinch or maybe shout or maybe a bit of stabbing at people who make too much noise....... even kids. Like a 4 year old girl. Ok trust me she's NOT cute. She was screaming + she couldn't stop.... continued on for like an hour? I was studying. She should just die. Hahahaahahahahahaha kidding ˆ⌣ˆ

Have plans of starting an online bizness. Not a blogshop! It is somewhat like a blogshop but definitely not the typical ones on the net now~ not revealing anything but I hope all goes well. Don't think I'm gonna start anytime soon though. Earliest end of next year? I'm just planning ahead. Finally have a goal. Feels good even though I have no idea if I'll actually start it up becoz I need my mom to help me w abit of stuff and hopefully a partner.......... ;)

A couple of things I want to get done this Xmas:
Get a pink screen protector + do up my phone
Start printing photos to pin up on my wooden frame
Shopping..... revamp my wardrobe which means a new selling post. Pls support becoz I've been buying alot of rubbish.
Stop being so fickleminded. Annoys me as hell.
Find out which outfits suit me mossssst so I wont't continue buying clothes that r not meant my fat short legged body!! Always waste so much $$$
Find a job
Lose 2kg
Get over the fact of losing weight (ironic)
Get my projects done. Yup school sux
Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok enjoy the picturesssss I'm gonna post up pictures of my clothes tommorrowwwww~~~~~~~~

Sorry if I scare you with one of the picture coz I literally got a shock when I saw it early in the morning.....

And some asshole spammed my formspring. And alot were from

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shagged or just plain ...lazy

Studying for term tests is a chore. It's the worst thing ever! Especially when you have no idea why whatever you're reading just cannot get into your head!

I'll resume at 8, hopefully. I feel like giving up. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Not exercising and gaining weight. I wish I had looooong slim to-die-for legs and maybe a flat tummy with protruding hipbones and of course ...a small face. Reminds me, does anyone know how to lose babyfats or when I'll lose the extra pounds on my face?

Have you seen my horrible side view. Omfg it's like a bloated pufferfish!!!!!! Reason why everyone calls me fishball in school. Not even kidding here.

Then again. Imagine if you were everything you wished for........ does it stop you from wanting more?

Humans are greedy and nothing's satisfying until you've experienced worse than what you're going through at this very moment. Gonna psycho myself to stop being whiny because I definitely do not want anything worse to happen!

So let's just all be glad with what we have!

Everything that has made me happy the past week ^_^ one more week to go!